PATH6-KIT Our Low Voltage LED Pathway Kit comes with 6 solid Brass Brilliance LED Path Lights, a 150 Watt Transformer for easy expansion, along with a WIFI timer for anywhere control.
Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Kit for Pathways and Walks with WIFI 6 Lights
Kit Includes:
SKU Description # XFORMER-150 150 Brilliance LED 150 Watt, Multi-tap SS Transformer 1 WIFISMARTSOCKET Brilliance Wi-Fi Smart Socket 2.0 1 BD-PL-ECO-G4 Black Diamond Pathlight w/ G4 Ecostar 3W 2700L Lamp - Black Brass 6 12-2-100 LV 12-2-100 Low Voltage Direct Burial Landscape Lighting Wire 100 Ft
1 WPWN-M Weather Proof Silicone Filled Wire Nut
12 With 150 Watt Transformer capacity you can add several additional fixtures to this kit for illuminating other areas of your property.